Google Go - see top ten projects powering with Go

Jump in to see the top ten notable projects that were made with the use of Google Go - a quickly compiled and lightweight code. Docker You’d have a hard time finding a better success story for Go ...

What's wrong with Enterprise Software?

Software is made for the clients based on their demands, not their needs.As a rule of thumb, even the software users can't really tell what product they need as long as they don't see it....

Уязвимость компьютерных систем

Одной из интересных и недавно осветленных в Интернете уязвимостей компьютерных систем являетс "Уязвимость нулевого дня". 0Day - данным термином характеризуют сет неизвестных вредоносных программ, п...

Website report for

Report for the website - Top priorities for website improvement for http://form.comResolve the validation errors that are listed in the table below. These errors are preventing this websit...

As a starter to a big something...

So, this is a new start for a new big something. From here and on I will be posting everything I find usefull or interesting for me here and keep it in one place. Just to remember and refer to this...